
Results of the Spring Tournament in 2025

1 Mészáros Zsolt
2 Pálfi Erik
3 Kovács György
4 Scholtz Bálint
5 Csaplovits Ferenc
6 Imre László
6 Dániel László
8 Odler Valter
9 Piller Zsolt
9 Luxeder Zoltán
9 Sághy Kálmán
9 Szabó István
13 Fehérváry László
13 Varga Sándor
15 Bernáth János
16 Polgár Zoltán
17 Botka Boldizsár
18 Veszelovszky Gábor
18 Pavlovsky Albert
18 Bugledits László
18 Sándor János
18 Arno Nöbl
23 Frühvald Kitti
23 Albert Allgaier
23 Ferencz József Norbert
26 Niklas Worisch
26 Kassai László
28 Szabó Zsolt
28 Pálfi Júlia
28 David Medaillon
28 Fekécs Gábor
32 Albert Péter
33 Szabóky Csaba
33 Gszelmann Edvárd
35 Pintér László
36 Ács András
36 Vanderer Gábor
36 Peter Popp
36 Lukács György
40 Frühvald Ferenc
40 Linda Alpstad
42 Gyebróczki Zoltán
42 Kalász Gábor
42 Hornyik László
42 Váry Tamás
46 Kovács Gábor
47 Kamarás György
47 Sípos Ágnes
47 Kadala László
50 Csonka Gergely
50 Szalay Dénes
50 Szamosi Péter
50 Dósa Zoltán
54 Pálfi Balázs
55 Harangozó Zoltán
56 Romhányi József
57 Abonyi Attila
58 Fehér Gyula
58 Csonka Norbert
58 Budavári Vilmos
58 Kőrösy Réka
62 Szaszkó Mónika
63 Kovács-Oláh Mária
64 Fehér Gyuláné
65 Medgyesi Attila


Registration will start at 20:00 31.01.2025 for the Mabra 08.03.2025 tournament by sending an email to janka.brasso@gmail.com.

We open the gates at 7:30. Tournament will start at 8:30. We kindly ask everybody to hurry up because you will need time for the registration and we would like to start the tournament on time. Qualification will be in 4 players group with Matchplay. Best 32 will advance. In the finals in group of four we will play on 4 pinballs; points will be 4-2-1-0.

At about 13 o’clock we will have lunch. Our goal is to play 13 rounds. We reserve the right to change the number of rounds and number of advancing players depending on the number of players.

In case of a tie, if this determines who advances, there will be a shootout on a pre-designated pinball.

Contribution is all together 9.000 HUF, tournament cost is 6.000 HUF, lunch is 3.000 HUF. You can pay on the premises. There will be snacks for free (more will be if you bring too). Lunch will be homemade broccoli cream soup, followed by fried chicken and fried vegetables with rice and coleslaw salad.

Lunch is not compulsory, please write in your email if you do not want lunch.

There will be a buffet during the tournament.

You can bring your own food and drink. We can give you space in the fridge. Please mark your food and drink with your name.

Do not forget to bring clean shoes or slippers with you!

Main tournament player limit is 72 players.

We hope you will have great fun.

The Organizers

18.08.2024 HPO registration

You can register here:


You can have a look at the registered players here:


06.08.2024 HPO in 2024

We are happy to announce that the Hungarian Pinball Open will be held in Budapest between 29.11.2024 and 02.12.2024.

During the 4 days, you can participate in 4 tournaments at 3 locations. This year the Main and Side tournaments will be held in a new site, in Ráday utca! The tournament in memoriam Tamás Marjai is organized on the weekend of the HPO too. You can find a detailed program under the HPO 2024 menu item.

11.10.2023 Tamás Marjai Memorial & Sagittarius Cup

We will held our tournament, Sagittarius Cup to the memory of Tamás Marjai on the 9th of December. Details later.

13.02.2023 HPO news

We will announce the link of the registration on the 15th of February at 10 a.m.

10.02.2023 Mabra news

Registration has started! You can register for the 04.03.2023 tournament in Mabra Pinball by sending an email to janka.brasso@gmail.com.

We open the gates at 8:30. Main tournament will start at 9:30. We kindly ask everybody to hurry up because you will need time for the registration and we would like to start the tournament on time. We will play round robin. We will divide the players into two or four goups depending on the number of players. Best 32 will advance to the semi-final. In the semi-final in group of four we will play on 4 pinballs, points will be 7-5-3-1.

We will have lunch at about 1 p.m.

Side tournament will start at 3 p.m. (that’s the plan) for those who has not got into the semi-finals. We are planning a knockout tournament, so you cannot join the side tournament later.

Contribution is all together 9000 HUF, tournaments cost 7.500 HUF, lunch is 1500 HUF. The will be snacks for free (more will be if you bring too), and we can give you sausages late at night.

Lunch is not compulsory, please write in your email do you want lunch or not, and if you want lunch, are you a vegetarian.

There will be a buffet during the tournament.

You can bring your own food and drink. We can give you space in the fridge. Please mark your food and drink with your name.

Do not forget to bring clean shoes or slippers with you!

Main tournament player limit is 72 players.

We hope you will have great fun.

The Organizers

09.02.2023 HPO news

Hi & Welcome!

We would like to sum up the most important things about Hungarian Pinball Open 2023.

The tournaments will be held from 28.04.2023 till 01.05.2023.

The sites of the tournaments: Budapest Pinball Museum, Silk Pinball Tour and Mabra Pinball.

Main tournament player limit is 128, but we can extend up to 192 players.

Registration starts at 10 a.m. 15.02.2023.

Registration fee:

Warm-up tournament, Silk Pinball Tour, Friday 28.04.2023: 16 EUR
Main tournament, Mabra Pinball, Saturday & Sunday 29.04.2023-30.04.2023: 35 EUR
After-party tournament, Budapest Pinball Museum Monday 01.05.2023: 16 EUR

Please complete your payment before 26 March 2023.

Do not forget that your registration will be finalized after you have paid the entry fee.

Please transfer the full amount to the following bank account:

Account holder: Adrien Sarolta Marjainé Brassó
IBAN: BE78 9675 2366 6586
Bank: Wise Payments Ltd;Avenue Louise 54, Room S52; Brussels;1050;Belgium

Please write your name and IFPA ID as a reference.

Refund is only possible if there are players on the waiting list.

Tournament formats:

Warm-up tournament             Friday 28.04.2023 6 p.m.
Silk Pinball Tour: 1204 Budapest, Török Flóris út 116/B 3. floor

Group knockout with 10 lives. Players are paired against each other in groups of four. Second player loses one life, third two lives, fourth three lives. 8 or 16 players will advance to the semi-finals, depending on the number of players. Semi-finals and finals will be held in groups of four. The first two players will advance to the next level. Finals will be played by 4 players.  

Main tournament       Saturday & Sunday 29.04.2023-30.04.2023
Mabra Pinball: 1221 Budapest, Fejedelem u. 4.

29.04.2023 Saturday Qualifiers at 9 a.m. and at 3 p.m.

Players are divided into groups of 16 according to IFPA ranking list on 31.03.2023. There will be groups who will start playing at 9 o’clock, and there will groups who will start playing at 15 o’clock. Each player plays every other player once in a group. (Round Robin). Best 8 will advance to Sunday’s semi-finals from a 16 players’ group.

If there are more than 128 players there will be groups who will start playing in the evening, so 128 is not a strict limit. In this case less than 8 player will advance to the semi-finals from a group of 16.

Ties will be broken on pre-assigned pinball machines.

30.04.2023 Sunday Finals starting at 10 a.m.

64 players will be divided into groups of 16 according to their results in the qualifiers. We will play again Round Robin. Best 4 players from each group will advance the next level. Ties will be broken on pre-assigned pinball machines.

On the next level 16 players will form 4 groups of four players according to the results of the previous round robin. We will play on 4 pinballs. Points will be 7-5-3-1. The first two players will advance to the next level. In case of tie the player with most wins will advance, if this is equal then the number of the second places will decide, then the number of third places and only after that comes a match on a pre-assigned pinball machine. Final will be in a group of four players on 4 machines.

Players who played on Saturday’ main event, but have not qualified on Sunday’s tournament have free entrance to the Budapest Pinball Museum!

After-party 01.05.2023. Monday 10 a.m.
Budapest Pinball Museum: 1137 Budapest, Radnóti Miklós utca 18.

There will be 13 group match play rounds. Best 32 (16) will advance. We will continue the semi-final in 4 players’ groups on three machines (in case of 16 players – on 4 pinballs), the goal is 200 % TGP.

You can follow the qualifiers on Matchplay.


We are planning two MABRA tournaments for 2023:

There will be a MABRA main and a MABRA side tournament on the 04th of March.
On the main event we will play round robin. We will divide the players into two groups according to the IFPA ranking list on the 31st of January 2023. We will try to play 20 rounds. The number of the groups will depend on the number of players. We will play semi-finals, finals on 4 pinballs in 4 players groups.
For the Side tournament we are planning a knockout tournament.
Registration starts on the 10th of February. You can send an email to janka.brasso@gmail.com

The Main tournament in memoriam Marjai Tamás and the Sagittarius side tournament will be held on the 09th of December.

We are proud to announce that this year, after two years of silence, there will be a HPO tournament between 28.04.2023 and 01.05.2023.

28.04.2023 Silk Pinball Tour will organize a warm-up tournament in knockout format with 10 lives.
29.04.2023 Main tournament qualifiers will be held in MABRA, format: round robin in 16 players groups.
30.04.2023 Semi-finals and finals will be again in MABRA. Semi-final – round robin with 64 players divided into 4 groups. Best 16/8/4 will play in four players group on 4 pinballs
01.05.2023 After party will be held in Hungarian Pinball Museum. Group match play on classic and modern pinballs.
Registration will start on the 15th of February. You will find more details on this webpage later.


We will held our tournament, Sagittarius Cup to the memory of Tamás Marjai on the 10th of December. Gates are open at 9 o’clock. The main tournament will start at 10 o’clock and we play head-to-head matches till 14 o’clock, it means we will not start a new round after 14 o’clock. At 15 o’clock we start a side tournament for those who are not playing semi finals. Meanwhile the main tournament will continue on. Those who will not got further to the finals can join the side tournament.
Lunch will be between 14 and 15 o’clock, we will order breaded meat and vegetables and prepare rice and salad.
Tournament costs 9000 HUF, 7500 HUF for the tournaments and 1500 HUF for lunch.
There will be snacks for free (we will have more if you bring) and we can offer hot dogs for late night players.
Lunch is not compulsory if you do not want lunch please tell us during registration.
You can register by sending an email to janka.brasso@gmail.com
You can bring your own food and drink, we can give you space in the fridge. Please mark your food and drink with your name. There will be a buffet too during the tournament with friendly prices.
Players’ limit: 64.
We hope you will have great fun.
The Organizers