Here are two videos about HPO Warm-Up and HPO After-Party by Attila Abonyi.
30.04.2023 HPO Main Final Results

1 Kurt Louwie
2 György Kovács
3 Sandor Varga
4 Vid Kuklec
5 Gabor Solymosi
6 Laszlo Horn
7 Hervé Pierru
8 Archibald Lefevre
9 Valter Odler
10 Boldizsár Botka
11 Szabo Istvan
12 Edvard Gszelmann
13 Laszlo Fehervary
14 János Sándor
15 Mike Christiansen
16 Csaba Szaboky
17 Arno Nöbl
18 Váry Tamás
19 Péter András Simon
20 Erik Palfi
21 Piller Zsolt
22 Zsolt Mészáros
23 Glenn Pellis
24 Gyorgy Kamaras
25 Balázs Pálfi
26 Zana Hrastovsek
27 Sághy Kálmán
28 Gabor Veszelovszky
29 László Kadala
30 Peter Boncza
31 Zsolt Szabo
32 Andrej Rižner
33 Váry Árpád
34 Ferenc Csaplovits
35 Zoltán Dósa
36 Torsten Eid
37 Zoltan Zsifkovits
38 Fekete Tibor
39 Magnus Lorentzon
40 yvan raets
41 Kelly Brendan
42 Gergely Csonka
43 Vargha Ákos
44 Zoltan Pataki
45 Tamas Odler
46 Frédéric Heouairi
47 Ferencz Jozsef Norbert
48 Igor Pavletic
49 Oliver Dold
50 Julien Dolard
51 Ferenc Fruhvald
51 Laszlo Karsai
53 Zoltán Polgár
53 Vilmos Budavari
53 Gabor Kalasz
53 Jozsef Romhanyi
57 Dirk De Groote
57 Péter Busa
57 Péter Szamosi
60 Dániel László
60 Scholtz Bálint
60 Daniel Zant
60 Matthieu Tixeront
60 David Medaillon
65 Katja Rižner
65 Sven Peters
67 Carl Bierkens
67 Albert Pavlovsky
67 László Bugledits
67 Albert Medaillon
71 Edit Zsifkovits
72 Gilbert Amar
72 Denes Szalay
72 Gyorgy Lukacs
72 Gábor Fekécs
76 Gábor Vanderer
76 Noel Horn
76 Noel Boncza
76 Zoltan Gyebroczky
80 Attila Abonyi
80 Beni Boncza
80 Sebastian Merget
80 Nagy Gábor
84 János Dakos
85 Reka Korosy
85 Gudrun Baechle
85 Maria Kovacs-Olah
86 Andras Acs
86 Balazs Fulop
86 Jozsef Bagi
86 Julia Palfi
86 Frühvald Kitti
86 Gautier Meyers
94 Donat Horn
95 Luczay Gabriella
29.04.2023 Results of HPO Main Qualification
Group A
1 Mike Christiansen
2 Gabor Solymosi
3 Laszlo Fehervary
4 Kelly Brendan
5 Péter András Simon
6 Ferencz Jozsef Norbert
7 Andrej Rižner
8 Frédéric Heouairi
9 Katja Rižner
10 Carl Bierkens
11 Attila Abonyi
12 János Dakos
13 Reka Korosy
14 Andras Acs
Group B
1 Zsolt Szabo
2 Balázs Pálfi
3 Zana Hrastovsek
3 Zoltan Pataki
3 Yvan Raets
6 János Sándor
6 Archibald Lefevre
8 Kurt Louwie
9 Julien Dolard
10 Gabor Kalasz
11 Péter Szamosi
12 David Medaillon
13 László Bugledits
14 Noel Horn
15 Maria Kovacs-Olah
16 Frühvald Kitti
Group C
1 Erik Palfi
2 Tamas Odler
3 Váry Tamás
4 Peter Boncza
5 Csaba Szaboky
6 Váry Árpád
7 Laszlo Horn
8 Fekete Tibor
9 Zoltán Polgár
10 Jozsef Romhanyi
11 Scholtz Bálint
12 Sven Peters
13 Albert Medaillon
14 Noel Boncza
15 Sebastian Merget
16 Julia Palfi
Group D
1 Ferenc Csaplovits
2 Torsten Eid
3 Gergely Csonka
4 György Kovács
5 Vid Kuklec
6 Piller Zsolt
7 Szabo Istvan
8 Vargha Ákos
9 Ferenc Fruhvald
10 Dirk De Groote
11 Daniel Zant
12 Gábor Vanderer
13 Beni Boncza
14 Gudrun Baechle
15 Jozsef Bagi
16 Donat Horn
Group E
1 Zsolt Mészáros
2 Glenn Pellis
3 Gyorgy Kamaras
4 Zoltán Dósa
5 Arno Nöbl
5 Edvard Gszelmann
5 Sandor Varga
8 László Kadala
9 Oliver Dold
10 Laszlo Karsai
11 Dániel László
12 Albert Pavlovsky
13 Edit Zsifkovits
14 Gábor Fekécs
15 Zoltan Gyebroczky
16 Nagy Gábor
17 Gautier Meyers
Group F
1 Boldizsár Botka
2 Sághy Kálmán
3 Gabor Veszelovszky
4 Hervé Pierru
5 Zoltan Zsifkovits
6 Valter Odler
7 Magnus Lorentzon
8 Igor Pavletic
9 Vilmos Budavari
10 Péter Busa
11 Matthieu Tixeront
12 Gilbert Amar
12 Denes Szalay
12 Gyorgy Lukacs
15 Balazs Fulop
16 Luczay Gabriella
27.04.2023 Road closures
27.04.2023 Main Matchplay
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
25.04.2023 Warm-Up
Here is a short video how to get into the building of Silk Pinball Tour, to the site of the Warm-Up tournament.
On Friday, you will find two posters at the Warm-Up location. One will be at the Fitness entrance, the other at the blue iron gate, so hopefully it will be clear on which stairs to go up to the 3rd floor.

The address on the IFPA website is misspelled, the correct address is: 1204 Budapest, Török Flóris út 116/B 3rd floor.
Gate will be opened at 5 p.m. Tournament starts at 6 p.m. We must start the tournament on time. Please be there at least half an hour earlier.
Just to remind you, the tournament format will be the following:
We play group knockout with 10 lives. Players are paired against each other in groups of four. Second player loses one life, third two lives, fourth three lives. If you are late and you miss the first round, you will lose 3 lives, if you miss the second round too, you will lose two more lives, if you miss the third round, you are eliminated. We play until 8 players remain. They bring 50% of their lives to the next stage. The best 8 will be divided into two groups and they will play on 3 pinballs. The first two players in each group will advance to the finals. Finals will be played by 4 players, without any additional points, so no matter how many lives they saved in the qualification rounds.
24.04.2023. Main Groups
Group A 3 p.m
Gabor Solymosi #5588
Mike Christiansen #84954
Laszlo Fehervary #32979
Péter András Simon #29725
Carl Bierkens #7320
Andrej Rižner #39336
Agnes Budai #35238
János Dakos #21739
Ferencz Jozsef Norbert #48709
Katja Rižner #83231
Attila Abonyi #23199
Istvan Jurkovics #84868
Andras Acs #94195
Zoltán Kiss #29728
Frédéric Heouairi #66497
Kelly Brendan #75618
Group B 9 a.m.
Kurt Louwie #69819
Archibald Lefevre #7568
Balázs Pálfi #14265
Yvan Raets #77457
János Sándor #16100
Zoltan Pataki #83642
Zana Hrastovsek #54656
Péter Szamosi #4793
László Bugledits #85711
Gabor Kalasz #88373
Zsolt Szabo #6619
David Medaillon #29732
Frühvald Kitti #70624
Maria Kovacs-Olah #87398
Noel Horn #99869
Julien Dolard –
Group C 9 a.m.
Scholtz Bálint #21734
Erik Palfi #63238
Tamas Odler #11659
Albert Medaillon #128
Laszlo Horn #750
Váry Tamás #80151
Váry Árpád #78952
Csaba Szaboky #84873
Attila Horvath #57958
Jozsef Romhanyi #81680
Julia Palfi #94194
Florian Horvath #6613
Sebastian Merget #81100
Zoltán Polgár #21737
Sven Peters #85866
Fekete Tibor #39691
Group D 9 a.m.
Ferenc Csaplovits #83640
Vid Kuklec #40790
György Kovács #11657
Piller Zsolt #23197
Szabo Istvan #6601
Torsten Eid #43025
Ferenc Fruhvald #60974
Andras Horvath #35235
Gudrun Baechle #88755
Dirk De Groote #18817
Jozsef Bagi #84866
Vargha Ákos #27361
Daniel Zant #73044
Gergely Csonka #13368
Mihaly Makray #43280
Donat Horn #99870
Group E 3 p.m.
Zsolt Mészáros #29726
Arno Nöbl #21106
Oliver Dold #71937
Glenn Pellis #2046
Sandor Varga #6604
Gyorgy Kamaras #83643
Zoltán Dósa #21729
László Kadala #8701
Zoltan Gyebroczky #88372
Edit Zsifkovits #84862
Dániel László #8709
Albert Pavlovsky #48715
Laszlo Karsai #95693
Edvard Gszelmann #95691
Gábor Fekécs #4792
Reka Korosy #94193
Gautier Meyers –
Nagy Gábor –
Group F 3 p.m.
Hervé Pierru #31163
Boldizsár Botka #2033
Sághy Kálmán #27371
Valter Odler #20909
Magnus Lorentzon #56545
Zoltan Zsifkovits #5593
Gyorgy Lukacs #83641
Gábor Vanderer #21745
Denes Szalay #80150
Gabor Veszelovszky #60239
Péter Busa #21727
Gilbert Amar #62268
Igor Pavletic #40791
Vilmos Budavari #85859
Balazs Fulop #94192
Matthieu Tixeront –
24.04.2023 Information about the Main tournament
Saturday. We have divided the players into 6 groups (16 players in 5 groups and 18 players in one group). 3 groups will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday and 3 groups at 3 p.m. You can come one hour before your time slot. We kindly ask you to be here half an hour before the tournament starts to have enough time to complete the registration.
We play head-to-head matches in a group, everybody will play with everybody. From every group 8 players will advance to the next stage, to the qualification tournament on Sunday. In case of tie (when the number of points and tieabreak are equal too) there will be a tiebreak on a designated machine.
If someone is missing and there is uneven number of players in a group, the value of byes is zero points.
We use matchplay during the qualification. The rounds will be generated in advance, so when you have finished your round and you have registered the result you can continue playing if your opponent in the next round is ready and the pinball is free.
The three groups will have three separated computers to register the results. The winner’s duty to register the result, but both of you have the responsibility to click on the winner.
There will be signs on the pinballs if there are special adjustments.
If anybody has a problem, search for someone in yellow T-shirt with HPO logo. For the 9 o’clock groups Balázs Pálfi and Zsolt Piller, for the 15 o’clock groups Gábor Vanderer and Zsolt Piller will be the tournament directors.
We have numbered the machines. You can find the pinballs No 1-35 on the ground floor, No 36-49 on the first floor, and from No 50 on the second floor.
During the tournament there is a buffet on the ground floor. You can buy drinks in the buffet for tokens. Tokens are sold at the registration desk. At the end of the day, we rebuy the tokens you have not spent.
You can buy goulash soup during the day for 1.500 HUF.
You can put your own food and drinks into the fridge in the ground floor. At the registration desk you can find labels and pens and you can write your name on the labels and stick it to your food, drinks, glass.
On the first floor there will be fruits, snacks for free, as well as the coffee is for free too. Coffee maker is behind the registration table on the first floor. You can ask women in T-shirt with Mabra sign for help.
Toilets are on the ground floor and on the second floor. Please do not enter the rooms with Private sign.
Sunday. The tournament starts at 10 a.m. for the best 8 from each group, so for 48 players. We ask you to be here at least half an hour earlier. We will open the gates at 9 a.m.. We will play face-to-face matches, but now the 48 players will be in one group. We will use matchplay and play 20 rounds. After 4 p.m. we will not start a new round. Best 16 players will advance to the next stage. In case of a tie (if the place is the same and not only points!) there will be a match on one pinball.
After 13:30 we will stop playing for one hour to have lunch. For lunch, there will be broccoli cream soup, fried pork, rice and pickles, and for vegetarians, quinoa gratin with cauliflower and baby spinach. Lunch will cost 2.000 HUF.
The best 16 players will form 4 groups of 4 players and they will play on 4 pinballs. Points will be 7-5-3-1. The first two players will advance to the next level. In case of tie achieved place on the Sunday’s qualification will decide. Final will be in a group of four players on 4 machines.
Players who played on Saturday’ main event, but have not qualified on Sunday’s tournament have free entrance to the Budapest Pinball Museum!
Important information!
Because of the Pope visit there will be huge traffic jams in Budapest. Please start on time and use the public transport. The number of parking places around the site of the tournament is very limited. You can read about how to get there on this page: http://www.mabra.hu/en/location/
You have to travel to Kelenföld station and take the 150/250/251/251A bus. The best way to get to Kelenföld station is to take the M4 subway, Kelenföld station is the last stop. There are two exits from the subway. Take the Őrmező exit from the subway then exit B from the tunnel. Be careful to ride the bus going to Savoya Park (250), or to Campona (150) because you can easily mix the bus stops and go in the wrong direction. When you go up from the tunnel turn left and search for the bus stop. You have to get off the bus at Szabina utca (9. bus stop), the information about the next stop is written inside the bus, so you cannot miss it. When you get off the bus, turn right, cross the main street and you will find Szabina street, go along this street, at the end of the street turn right, then take the first street on your right. This is Fejedelem street, No 4 is a house with red fence on the left hand side.
A special request:
Please bring clean shoes or slippers and use them inside the house. Thank you.
15.02.2023 Warm-Up tournament
Warm-Up starts at 6 p.m. on Friday. You can arrive from 5 p.m. Checking in starts at 5:30 p.m. Good news for latecomers that you can join the tournament after 6 p.m, until the first two rounds have finished. However, if you miss the first round, you will lose 3 lives, if you miss the second round, you will lose two lives.
HPO registration link: http://tinyurl.com/hpo23
List of registered players: http://tinyurl.com/hpo23-list
Hi & Welcome!
We would like to sum up the most important things about Hungarian Pinball Open 2023.
The tournaments will be held from 28.04.2023 till 01.05.2023.
The sites of the tournaments: Budapest Pinball Museum, Silk Pinball Tour and Mabra Pinball.
Main tournament player limit is 128, but we can extend up to 192 players.
Registration starts at 10 a.m. 15.02.2023.
Registration fee:
Warm-up tournament, Silk Pinball Tour, Friday 28.04.2023: 16 EUR
Main tournament, Mabra Pinball, Saturday & Sunday 29.04.2023-30.04.2023: 35 EUR
After-party tournament, Budapest Pinball Museum Monday 01.05.2023: 16 EUR
Please complete your payment before 26 March 2023.
Do not forget that your registration will be finalized after you have paid the entry fee.
Please transfer the full amount to the following bank account:
Account holder: Adrien Sarolta Marjainé Brassó
IBAN: BE78 9675 2366 6586
Bank: Wise Payments Ltd;Avenue Louise 54, Room S52; Brussels;1050;Belgium
Please write your name and IFPA ID as a reference.
Refund is only possible if there are players on the waiting list.
Tournament formats:
Warm-up tournament Friday 28.04.2023 6 p.m.
Silk Pinball Tour: 1204 Budapest, Török Flóris út 116/B 3. floor
Group knockout with 10 lives. Players are paired against each other in groups of four. Second player loses one life, third two lives, fourth three lives. 8 or 16 players will advance to the semi-finals, depending on the number of players. Semi-finals and finals will be held in groups of four. The first two players will advance to the next level. Finals will be played by 4 players.
Main tournament Saturday & Sunday 29.04.2023-30.04.2023
Mabra Pinball: 1221 Budapest, Fejedelem u. 4.
29.04.2023 Saturday Qualifiers at 9 a.m. and at 3 p.m.
Players are divided into groups of 16 according to IFPA ranking list on 31.03.2023. There will be groups who will start playing at 9 o’clock, and there will groups who will start playing at 15 o’clock. Each player plays every other player once in a group. (Round Robin). Best 8 will advance to Sunday’s semi-finals from a 16 players’ group.
If there are more than 128 players there will be groups who will start playing in the evening, so 128 is not a strict limit. In this case less than 8 player will advance to the semi-finals from a group of 16.
Ties will be broken on pre-assigned pinball machines.
30.04.2023 Sunday Finals starting at 10 a.m.
64 players will be divided into groups of 16 according to their results in the qualifiers. We will play again Round Robin. Best 4 players from each group will advance the next level. Ties will be broken on pre-assigned pinball machines.
On the next level 16 players will form 4 groups of four players according to the results of the previous round robin. We will play on 4 pinballs. Points will be 7-5-3-1. The first two players will advance to the next level. In case of tie the player with most wins will advance, if this is equal then the number of the second places will decide, then the number of third places and only after that comes a match on a pre-assigned pinball machine. Final will be in a group of four players on 4 machines.
Players who played on Saturday’ main event, but have not qualified on Sunday’s tournament have free entrance to the Budapest Pinball Museum!
After-party 01.05.2023. Monday 10 a.m.
Budapest Pinball Museum: 1137 Budapest, Radnóti Miklós utca 18.
There will be 13 group match play rounds. Best 32 (16) will advance. We will continue the semi-final in 4 players’ groups on three machines (in case of 16 players – on 4 pinballs), the goal is 200 % TGP.
You can follow the qualifiers on Matchplay.